UtilitiesConsult Pis/Pasep

Consult Pis/Pasep [COMPLETE GUIDE]

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All workers who worked with a formal contract in the previous year are entitled to receive Pis/Pasep. See here all the details on how to consult Pis/Pasep. Now it has become much easier to consult and even see if the amount has already been deposited. If you would like to check yours, you have come to the right place. 

Now everything can be done on your cell phone, in very simple steps. 

The Salary Allowance, known by the acronyms Pis/Pasep, consists of a type of bonus for workers, established by law, especially law nº 7,998/90.

It is a bonus paid every year to workers who worked with a formal contract in the previous year and is calculated based on the months worked, reaching the value of a current minimum wage.

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The amount is transferred by Caixa Econômica Federal through the Ministry of Economy, following the Condefat calendar.  

Consult Pis/Pasep: who is entitled to the allowance?

To be entitled to the benefit, the worker must meet certain requirements, only then is the worker eligible to receive the salary bonus. 

The following are requirements for receiving Pis/Pasep:

-Be registered with Pis for at least five years, and also have worked with a formal contract for at least five years before being entitled to receive the allowance;

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-Have as an average salary for the base year of calculation up to two current minimum wages;

-The worker who wishes to have access to the benefit withdrawal must have worked at least thirty consecutive days or not in the year used as the base year for calculation;

-Your data must be duly informed by the employer in Rais/Social. 

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This last requirement is important to mention because workers can often have their data filled out incorrectly, which can end up hindering their receipt of the bonus.

What is the value of the allowance?

The value of the bonus is calculated for each worker according to the period worked in the year used as a base. The minimum is that the worker has worked at least thirty days, which does not need to be consecutive, unless that is the case he or she is not even entitled to withdraw the benefit. 

From thirty days onwards, the value is calculated based on the months that each worker worked. The calculation of the amount received by the worker was determined by law no. 13,134/15, in which each month worked corresponds to a part of twelve of the minimum wage, so having worked the twelve months of the base year of calculation, the worker receives a minimum wage. 

Where to receive the allowance?

It is possible to receive your benefit through different means. Caixa recently launched the Caixa Tem application, where you can check your balance and also make transfers to your bank account. 

It was also through the application that Emergency Aid was paid. After downloading the application, which is available for Android and iOS, you will need to complete a brief registration informing your personal data. 

When registering, you will be able to easily check your Pis/Pasep balance. If you already have an account with Caixa Econômica, the allowance balance will automatically be sent to your Caixa account, without any type of request being required. 

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Rodrigo Pereira
Rodrigo Pereirahttps://luxmobiles.com
Studying IT. I currently work as a writer on the luxmobiles blog. Creating diverse content relevant to you daily.
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