FinancialCredit card: 3 options for those with a low score

Credit card: 3 options for those with a low score

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Nowadays, unfortunately, it is increasingly difficult to have a credit card approved, even when you don't have credit restrictions but have a low score. If this is your case, see what to do here.

With the arrival and increasing popularity of fintechs, institutions that combine technology and finance, people with low scores now have greater access to credit and are able to get approval for their respective credit cards. Traditional banks, aiming not to lose this share of the public, also began to offer interesting solutions for these consumers. 

But what exactly is the score? 

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Score: understanding the concept

The score is a financial market scoring system and it is based on the score that a customer has access to a financial product or not. In other words, the score is nothing more than the individual's payment habits in relation to the financial market and their behavior as a consumer. 

Let's go a little further. The score is a score that goes up to a thousand and is determined both by the customer's payment and consumption habits in the credit and consumption market. 

To check your score, the easiest way to do this is through the Serasa website. Given your score number, consider that up to three hundred we have a low score, that is, a greater risk of default on the part of the user, from three hundred to seven hundred we have medium risk, from seven hundred the risk of default is low and the score is rated high. 

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To measure the score, data such as debt history, timely payments, relationships with companies or institutions, and updated registration data, for example, are considered.

If your score is low, see below some cards that are perfect for you and that can be approved the first time. 

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Credit card for those with a low score

Cartão de crédito Neon

For those with a low score, the Neon credit card can be an excellent alternative and the best thing is that everything can be done on your smartphone, through the institution's app. Neon is a fintech and everything is within the user's reach with just a few clicks. The card is international, branded by Visa and best of all, there is no annual fee. 

Cartão Next

The Next card is also branded by Visa and, like the Neon model, can be obtained by anyone with a score below three hundred. 

Next is a digital bank created by Bradesco and when requesting your card, the evaluation takes approximately seven business days. 

Cartão de crédito Superdigital

The Superdigital card is a card from the Santander group and unlike previous models, it is branded by Mastercard. At Superdigital, the institution offers five virtual cards to the user and one physical card. To register, you just need to be eighteen years old and not registered with credit protection agencies.

It is worth noting that this card is a pre-chat card and not exactly a credit card, but it is still among the best alternatives.  

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Rodrigo Pereira
Rodrigo Pereira
Studying IT. I currently work as a writer on the luxmobiles blog. Creating diverse content relevant to you daily.
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