ApplicationsApps to track pregnancy

Apps to track pregnancy

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If there's one thing all expectant parents (men and women) should do during the nine months of pregnancy, it's make the most of it. Fortunately, there are apps to track pregnancy that make this period easier.

Therefore, to help you understand more about the apps to track pregnancy, I prepared today's article on the subject. Interested in finding out more? So follow me now!

Apps to track pregnancy

My Pregnancy Day by Day

When a child is in the womb, parents' anxiety about meeting them is immense and they would like to see in detail what happens there during pregnancy.

With the My Pregnancy Day by Day app, every question that arises has an answer through videos, guides and experiences from other mothers.

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Totally Pregnant

Totally Pregnant is another of pregnant women's favorite applications, with reliable information about your baby's growth, your health status, items you need for your care, advice and even curious facts about fetal development.

For each of the weeks, there are videos from experts, 3D animations of what the baby looks like in the womb, and videos from other mothers at the same stage of pregnancy. Additionally, it offers in-app purchases for yoga classes, prenatal meditation, and even some postnatal ones.

I’m Expecting

In fact, with the I'm Expecting application, it is possible to compare symptoms with those of other mothers, monitor clinical tests carried out, weight during pregnancy, keep the countdown to the birth and participate in online forums and discuss these questions with other users of the application.

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In short, it shows weekly updates and pregnancy videos and also allows you to create a pregnancy photo diary.

Calculadora de gravidez

When there's a baby on the way, the question everyone wants to know is when will he be born? With this application, the date can be predicted without much hassle.

Its operation has two options, one to calculate the date of birth and another to calculate the date of pregnancy according to the expected date of delivery. The app also tells you the likely date of conception and when it ends each quarter.


Pregnancy+ is a personalized application that offers complete information about what is needed to have a safe and healthy pregnancy.

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In it, you can track the baby's weight and development, and you can get information about the diet and exercise the mother needs.

It also has a kick and contraction counter, high-resolution images of the fetus and belly, a due date calculator, among others.

It is one of the most popular applications and recommended by medical professionals.

Meu Pré-Natal

In short, it contains daily articles that describe what is happening to the mother and baby's body. Plus, it lets you track exercise, mood, baby movements, cravings, and more in a personal diary.

In fact, you can take and share photos and create an album with weekly images.

Did you like to know more about the apps to track pregnancy? So be sure to follow the others blog articles, I have lots of other news for you!

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Rodrigo Pereira
Rodrigo Pereira
Studying IT. I currently work as a writer on the luxmobiles blog. Creating diverse content relevant to you daily.
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