The Social CNH is an excellent opportunity for those who are unable to obtain the CNH on their own.
Which is completely understandable since in recent years the price of obtaining a license has risen considerably.
It's worth knowing the benefit of the CNH Social, especially if you haven't gotten your driver's license yet or know someone who hasn't.
The value of the driver's license is now inaccessible in many states because it exceeds the value of two thousand reais in many places.
The number of states in which the general fees and costs charged by driving schools are approaching two thousand reais is growing every day.
Therefore, the CNH Social program came as an aid to families and people in situations of social vulnerability.
Through the program it is possible to obtain a driver's license without having to pay such a high amount.
It is an important and extremely interesting measure, especially because the document can open doors.
With a CNH it is possible to achieve an improvement in both your personal and professional life. Find out more about this benefit.
Here you will find out who is entitled to the benefit, how to register and related information.
If you don't have a license yet or know someone who doesn't, come with us.
CNH Social: what is it?
As seen so far, CNH Social is a program that aims to facilitate the process of obtaining a license by reducing costs.
The CNH is one of the most important documents in a Brazilian's life. This is because it offers many opportunities.
These are opportunities in both professional and personal life. In the case of professional life, it guarantees access to higher positions. In personal life, it guarantees independence.
Despite its importance, it is not a document with such an attractive cost, especially in some Brazilian states.
As mentioned above, there are states where the cost of a driver's license can exceed two thousand reais.
With this came the CNH Social, a program promoted by Sest Senat and aims to increase access to the document.
In this way, the program aims to allow people in vulnerable situations to obtain their license without spending anything on it.
For these people, it is an excellent opportunity to seek better working and living conditions.
Today, the number of states that participate in the program and offer the CNH Social to interested parties is increasing.
In this way, it is possible to increase the number of duly qualified drivers in socially vulnerable situations.

But who can receive the benefit?
The CNH Social benefit is perfect for those who are thinking about getting their driver's license but are faced with the issue of cost.
This is because the document has undergone constant readjustments and in some states the value goes up to three thousand reais.
However, you must meet the program requirements to be entitled to the benefit.
To participate in the CNH Social you must be eighteen years old, which is also the minimum age to obtain a license in the country.
It is also necessary to know how to read and write and have an income of up to two current minimum wages.
Another important point that deserves to be highlighted concerns the condition of the interested party.
It is essential to be unemployed for at least one year to be able to benefit from the social driver's license.
This is because in addition to enabling the issuance of a driver's license, the program aims to place people in the job market.
Therefore, there is a predilection for those who are not working.
It is also required to be a student in the public education system or a beneficiary of a social program.
This is because you need to have an active Single Registry, CadÚnico.
How to sign up?
Do you meet all the requirements and are you wondering how you can apply for a CNH Social? Here's the step by step.
After knowing whether you are entitled or not, the most important thing is knowing how to sign up to take advantage of the benefit.
The CNH Social benefit must be requested by knowing the required documents.
Among the documents required is the CPF, social registration number, proof of residence and income.
Depending on the state in which the benefit is requested, the documents required may change significantly. But in short these are it.
With the documents in hand, simply access the Detran website. On the website, search for social driver's license.
It is worth noting that depending on the state and the state's Detran website itself, the page may be located in different areas.
To make the search easier, search for CNH Social 2022 Detran + your state on Google.
You will be redirected to the program's own page and you will be able to register.
After arriving at this page, carefully fill out the questionnaire. Only then will Detran be able to assess the possibility of granting the benefit.
If you get a place to obtain a social driver's license, Detran will contact you through the channels provided at the time of registration.
Normally however, contact is made by email.

Final considerations
In Brazil there are different CNH categories, including category B
Category B comprises motor vehicles, such as cars, and category A comprises motorcycles.
It is worth emphasizing that the CNH is one of the most important documents that Brazilians will have throughout their lives.
And it can also bring changes to both your personal life, in terms of independence, and your professional life, increasing your chances of being placed in the job market.
From the point of view of personal life, it is worth highlighting as public transport in the country leaves something to be desired.