UtilitiesApplications for weighing animals on your cell phone

Applications for weighing animals on your cell phone

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Weighing animals accurately is essential for monitoring their health and development, especially on farms and in breeding environments. With the advancement of technology, several apps have been developed to facilitate this process, allowing the weight of animals to be measured directly from a cell phone. In addition to making everyday life more practical, these apps help ensure efficient and accessible weight control for large and small animals.

In this article, you will learn about the best apps for weighing animals on your cell phone. Using these tools, you can monitor the weight of cattle, pets, and other farm animals quickly and easily. This provides a technological solution for farmers, veterinarians, and even those who want to monitor the weight of their animals on a more amateur level.

Advantages of using apps to weigh animals on your cell phone

Using an app to weigh animals has several advantages. Firstly, practicality is one of the main advantages, as it allows you to monitor the weight of farm animals or pets without the need for complex equipment. In addition, many of these apps offer other features such as weight monitoring over time, making it easier to make decisions about feeding and managing animals.

Another positive point is that, with the advancement of technology, there are applications that allow you to measure the weight of large animals, such as cattle, directly from your cell phone. This saves time and effort for those who work in the agricultural sector.

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Pesar Animal Pro

O Weigh Animal Pro is one of the most complete applications for weighing animals on your cell phone. It was developed especially for weighing cattle and other large animals. Using a simple interface, it calculates the weight of animals based on measurements taken from photos or videos taken directly by the cell phone. In addition, the application allows you to record weight periodically, making it easier to monitor the growth of farm animals.

The great advantage of Weigh Animal Pro is its accuracy when weighing large animals and its easy usability. The application offers an excellent solution for weight control on farms, being an indispensable tool for those looking to closely monitor the development of their herd.

Animal Scale

O Animal Scale is another outstanding application when it comes to weighing cattle using your cell phone. With a user-friendly interface, it allows you to calculate the weight of animals in a simple and practical way. Just enter some information about the animal, such as age, height and width, and the application estimates its weight. Ideal for weighing large animals such as cattle, it is also used to monitor the weight of smaller animals, such as goats and sheep.

In addition to weighing animals, the Animal Scale It has additional features such as feeding control and the creation of graphs that show weight changes over time. This allows the breeder or veterinarian to have even more precise control over the health of the animals.

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O VetWeigh is a very useful application for both veterinarians and farmers. It allows you to weigh animals quickly and efficiently, and is mainly used to weigh cattle and other large animals. VetWeigh It stands out for its precision and for being a versatile tool for monitoring the weight of different types of animals.

One of the most interesting features of the VetWeigh is the integration with other devices, such as electronic scales, making the process even more accurate. The application also offers the possibility of storing the weight history of each animal, making it easier to monitor health and development.

Peso Animal Fácil

O Easy Animal Weight It is ideal for those looking for an app to weigh animals in an intuitive and uncomplicated way. Through a simple photo of the animal, the app automatically calculates the approximate weight, making the process quick and accessible. It is an excellent option for both weighing large animals and monitoring the weight of smaller animals, such as pets.

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Furthermore, the Easy Animal Weight allows the user to record the weight history of several animals, creating a database that can be consulted at any time. This makes it easier to monitor the animal's development and helps identify possible health problems.

SmartWeight Animal

Finally, the SmartWeight Animal is one of the most technologically advanced applications for weighing animals on your cell phone. It offers a series of advanced features, such as accurate weight estimation based on detailed measurements. Ideal for weighing cattle and other large animals, the application also allows you to weigh pets, making it a versatile option for different types of breeders.

As SmartWeight Animal, it is possible to monitor not only the weight, but also other relevant data, such as the animals' diet and growth. The application offers detailed graphs that show the evolution of weight, which is essential for those who want more rigorous control.

Additional features of animal weighing apps

In addition to weighing animals, many of these apps offer additional features that can be extremely useful in the day-to-day running of farms and for veterinarians. Among the most common is feeding control, which allows you to record the amount of feed offered to animals and monitor how this impacts weight gain. Another relevant feature is weight history, which makes it easier to monitor the growth of animals over time.

Some apps also allow you to integrate weighing with other devices, such as electronic scales and sensors, increasing measurement accuracy. This makes the process more efficient and allows the user to have even greater control over the health and development of the animals.


The use of apps to weigh animals on your cell phone has become an accessible and practical reality, both for farmers and for veterinarians and pet caretakers. With this technology, it is possible to measure the weight of large and small animals quickly and efficiently, using only your cell phone. In addition, the apps offer additional features, such as feeding control and weight history recording, which makes it easier to monitor the health of animals.

If you need to weigh livestock or monitor the weight of your pets, it is worth trying one of the apps mentioned in this article. With them, you will have total control over the weight and development of your animals, all in a practical and technological way.

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Rodrigo Pereira
Rodrigo Pereirahttps://luxmobiles.com
Studying IT. I currently work as a writer on the luxmobiles blog. Creating diverse content relevant to you daily.
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