ApplicationsApplications for identifying plants - Discover the best

Applications for identifying plants – Discover the best

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To the naked eye they may seem like controversial concepts, but nature and technology go hand in hand on many occasions. For example, there are applications to identify plantsTherefore, to help you understand more about the applications to identify plants, we prepared today's article on the subject. Want to know more? So follow along now!

What are the best apps for identifying plants?

Google Lens

The quickest and easiest way to discover information about plants, flowers and trees is to activate the Google Lens camera, which will look for similarities between millions of results around the world. 

It works natively on Android, although it can also be activated in the Google app on an iPhone.

Keep in mind, however, that Lens offers a universal search that is useful but not definitive. This means that for those who love botany, gardening and horticulture it is probably best to turn to specific applications. 

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If this is your case, below we propose other very interesting applications, so you can choose which one best suits your needs.


We start the list with a completely free application, based on scientific research carried out by the CSIC Royal Botanical Garden. 

Contains photographs, illustrations and a glossary of terms for up to 143 native species of the Peninsula. Available on Android and iOS, an interesting detail is that it can be used without an internet connection.

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It doesn't matter if they are flowers, plants, trees or even fruits. Its creators say that LeafSnap achieves up to 95% of precision thanks to its artificial intelligence algorithm. 

It is one of the most valued, due among other reasons to its simple interface. You have it available for Android and iOS.


The same percentage of hits, but increasing the range to 10,000 distinct species, including some animals.

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Its users appreciate that it also allows them to diagnose some of the most frequent plant diseases or program reminders so they don't forget when to water. It is available on Google Play and the App Store.


Another popular option, which exceeds 30 million downloads between Google Play and the App Store. In addition to identifying the plant and providing certain basic information about it, it also indicates which ones may be toxic to pets such as dogs or cats.

Applications to identify plants. Image: Google


It is one of the most recognized plant identification applications developed by scientists. It has an online community, so we can donate our images, up to four per plant, to increase its database. It is available for Android and iOS.


PlantSnap's numbers are stratospheric: in its versions for Android or iPhone, it promises to identify up to 600,000 distinct species, including plants, flowers, trees and even leaves or fruits, and exceeds 90% accuracy. 

This is a free application, although if we pay it allows us to unlock features intended for experienced users.

Would you like to know more about the best apps to identify plants? So be sure to follow the other articles on the blog, we have lots of other news for you!

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Rodrigo Pereira
Rodrigo Pereira
Studying IT. I currently work as a writer on the luxmobiles blog. Creating diverse content relevant to you daily.
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